The grass is always greener on the other side
Literal meaning: La hierba siempre es más verde del otro lado.
Similar Spanish expression: La gallina de la vecina pone más huevos que la mía.
Hi, my name is Cecelia, I am one of the conversations assistants of Escola Innova, I work at the school Estany de la Ricarda.
I chose this picture and quote because as we all know 2020 was a difficult year for all of us, and 2021 is not starting off the best either. But we can only keep hoping that things will get better. However, as hard as it has been it is always important to remember that if during this year you are fortunate enough to have a house to live in, enough to eat, a school (even if it has been online), and a family, you are very lucky. Many people in this world do not have this privilege. So instead of thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side, remember your grass is green too!
Cecelia Miller
The Escola Innova team in El Prat del Llobregat